Growing up and working, study and family swamped my life. Until one day, I read an article about a new Nikon camera – I was in love. Not knowing one end of the camera from the other, I spent every spare moment taking photos, reading books and attending photography groups to learn everything I could.
Then I started to draw and paint. I became enamoured with colour and creating the unusual. On the prompting from my husband, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Fine Art through Open University Australia and learnt so much.
Having recently completed my Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) focussing on photography, I am enjoying the freedom of experimenting with photography. Experimenting with light and abstraction to investigate new interpretations of the family farm landscape.
I have been fortunate enough to have been selected as a finalist for the Australian Photography Magazine’s Photograph of the Year award, Mullins Conceptual Photography Award (MCPP) and the Ravenswood Women’s Art Award.
My Bread and Butter is the joy of getting lost in drawing, whether by hand or working digitally - or both. It is an escape from the stress of everyday life – a chance to make something beautiful, or simple, or completely insane!
Illustrating is an extremely meditative practice for me – sitting down with a coffee and a sweet, and working away to music or a podcast, provides a sense of contentment and pleasure.
I want to reflect the broad human experience in my illustrations – both the uncertainty and frailty of being alive, but also the exciting and pleasant aspects.